Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
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A comparative analysis of the Irish post-graduate geriatric medicine training scheme with the European post-graduate curriculum in geriatric medicine

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-02-14, 18:03 authored by Robert Murphy, Christine McCarthy, Catriona Reddin, Michelle Canavan, Clodagh O'Dwyer, Martin MulroyMartin Mulroy, Martin O'Donnell

Purpose: Minimum training recommendations to become a specialist geriatrician in the EU have been published and in this study we compared these recommendations with content from the post-graduate training scheme in Geriatric Medicine in Ireland.

Methods: We examined the content of didactic study-day lectures delivered during Geriatric medicine training in Ireland. We compared how both the formal Irish curriculum and the content of the study days match up with the 36 items that are identified as core knowledge content areas.

Results: The Irish geriatric medicine curriculum outlined that 30 of the 36 knowledge areas from the European curriculum should be covered. Formal teaching was delivered on 33 of the 36 knowledge components that are outlined in the European curriculum. 24 of 36 topics were covered at least twice.

Conclusion: There was a high concordance between the content of the Irish and European post-graduate curriculum in Geriatric medicine.


IReL Consortium



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Published Citation

Murphy R. et al. A comparative analysis of the Irish post-graduate geriatric medicine training scheme with the European post-graduate curriculum in geriatric medicine. Eur Geriatr Med. 2023;14(2):397-400.

Publication Date

13 January 2023

PubMed ID



  • Medicine


Springer International Publishing


  • Published Version (Version of Record)