Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Application of artificial intelligence for early detection of breast cancer

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-04, 13:28 authored by Sadie Badrie

Breast cancer, the most common malignancy in women worldwide, demands early and accurate detection for optimal outcomes. The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into breast cancer diagnostics offers a transformative approach, potentially revolutionising traditional mammography-based screening methods. AI, driven by algorithms and machine learning, holds the promise to identify patterns and anomalies with higher precision than conventional mammograms. While AI showcases advantages, such as enhanced image analysis and the potential for personalised diagnostics, it also has drawbacks. In its nascent stages, the technology faces challenges in terms of accuracy, variance, and data representativeness. Ethical considerations, especially concerning data privacy and patient consent, further complicate its implementation. Nonetheless, the future of AI in breast cancer diagnosis is promising, with ongoing research aimed at refining the technology and addressing its limitations. This fusion of AI with clinical expertise is expected to usher in an era of advanced, patient-centred breast cancer care.



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Published Citation

Badrie S. Application of artificial intelligence for early detection of breast cancer. RCSIsmj. 2024;17(1):76-81

Publication Date



  • Undergraduate Research


RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences


  • Published Version (Version of Record)