Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a national research strategy for paramedicine in Ireland: findings from a focus group study [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-07-30, 13:21 authored by Niamh M Cummins, Christine Fitzgerald, Una M Cronin, Alan M. Batt, Ann-Marie Bright, Brian DoyleBrian Doyle, Michelle O'TooleMichelle O'Toole, Julia Williams, Kelly-Ann Bowles

Background: Paramedicine research and education has progressed significantly over the past two decades in Ireland. The Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council recently commissioned a research team to develop a new National Research Strategy for Irish paramedicine. The strategy will serve to build research capacity and establish research priorities into the future. This study aims to explore the perspectives of diverse stakeholders to identify barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a national research strategy for paramedicine in Ireland. 

Methods: The research employed an action research approach. Purposeful and snowball sampling was used to identify and recruit participants (n=37) from diverse stakeholders and knowledge users working in the out-of-hospital setting. Data collection took the form of focus groups (n=6) facilitated by experienced researchers. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim using Otter AI and thematic analysis was performed in NVivo. 

Results: Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of the research strategy exist at individual and system levels. The themes developed from the Focus Groups included; Challenges in the Research Landscape and Opportunities to Build a Research Ecosystem. Individual barriers included Experience and Skills, Time and Wellbeing. At system level, Operational, Educational, and Professional barriers were identified in addition to an undeveloped Research Infrastructure (Leadership, Support, Funding and Data Access). Individual facilitators included; Professional Identity, Evolving Roles and Protected Time. At system level, Collaboration, Knowledge Translation, Educational facilitators and Professional facilitators, in combination with a strong Research Infrastructure were considered important for successful implementation of the Research Strategy. 

Conclusions: The findings are congruent with international studies and highlight the complexity of implementing a national research strategy aligned with the needs of diverse stakeholders in the out-of-hospital setting. Collaboration will be essential for successful strategy implementation. To ensure optimal effectiveness of the research strategy the development of an implementation plan is recommended.


Health Research Board [CES-2022-020]


Data Availability Statement

Underlying data Data access is restricted for ethical reasons. The aim of our study was to explore the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a national research strategy for paramedicine. During the Focus Groups it was likely that participants would share information regarding their experiences with patients and with service providers, therefore we felt it would not be appropriate to share the raw data (audio recordings and transcripts) collected for this study and we did not obtain ethical consent to do so. If readers would like to ask questions about the data they can contact Dr. Niamh Cummins who can provide further information and a detailed overview of the analysis. Select quotes may be made available on reasonable request from the corresponding author: Extended data Open Science Framework: Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of a National Research Strategy for Paramedicine in Ireland This study contains the following extended data: Information Sheet Consent Form Focus Group Question Guide COREQ Checklist Data are available under the terms of (CC-BY 4.0) Reporting guidelines OSF: COREQ checklist for ‘Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of a National Research Strategy for Paramedicine in Ireland’. Data are available under the terms of (CC-BY 4.0)


The original article and an updated version may be available on

Published Citation

Cummins NM, et al. Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a national research strategy for paramedicine in Ireland: Findings from a focus group study [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. HRB Open Res 2024, 7:49

Publication Date

23 July 2024


  • SIM Centre for Simulation Education and Research

Research Area

  • Population Health and Health Services
  • Health Professions Education


F1000 Research Ltd


  • N/A

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