The material properties of individual micro-struts are critical to the overall success of lattice structures. These properties can be significantly compromised by defects inherited from powder bed fusion processes. Among these defects, porous inclusions are well understood to have a detrimental effect on mechanical properties; posing a high risk to the implant under loading. While the majority of these defects can be avoided through optimisation of printing parameters, this has generally only been done for traditional bulk components with no in-designed porosity. Furthermore, a number of studies have observed changes in the frequency of such porous inclusions as feature size is reduced, indicating a size effect. This also suggests that the optimal parameters for bulk material are not necessarily translatable to the individual micro-struts which build the lattice. In this study, the relationship between parameter optimisation and feature size was investigated. Here, a higher energy density input was required for processing micro-strut lattices with an optimised relative density, than it was for bulk components. This could be attributed to faster rates of heat loss in micro-strut samples on account of their increased surface-to-volume ratio. The consequential improvement in mechanical properties was also assessed. An increase in both strength and stiffness could be largely attributed to an increase in the percentage volume of load bearing material, while improvements in failure strain were largely driven by minimisation of stress concentrations around the irregular pore morphologies. Fatigue properties did not improve beyond the effects of yielding. Rather, crack initiation was dominated by surface defects; which on account of their surface free energy, experience a much higher stress intensity factor.
Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research Centre (AMBER)