Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Prospective study of provided smoking cessation care in an inpatient psychiatric setting.

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Version 2 2022-03-29, 09:43
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journal contribution
posted on 2022-03-29, 09:43 authored by Annette Burns, James V. Lucey, Judith StrawbridgeJudith Strawbridge, Luke Clancy, Frank DoyleFrank Doyle

Objective: People with mental health difficulties (MHD) are more likely to smoke and to have smoking-related diseases, yet little research has investigated the provision of smoking cessation care in psychiatric inpatient settings. This study aimed to evaluate current levels of cessation care provided, and 3-month quit-rates, in one such setting in Ireland.

Methods: From January to October 2016, inpatients across all 8 adult wards of St Patrick’s University Hospital were recruited to participate in a baseline face-to-face survey (N=246), assessing demographic information, smoking history and quit attempts, motivation to quit, nicotine dependence, attitudes towards cessation advice and actual care received. For baseline current smokers (n=84) who consented, casenotes were also audited for documentation of smoking status and cessation care (n=77/84) while quit rates were assessed at three months (n=72/84), including a carbon monoxide test for those who reported quitting.

Results: Current smoking prevalence was 34% (n=84/246). At baseline 75% of smokers wanted to quit and 48% reported they would like cessation advice while in hospital. Few reported receiving cessation advice from any healthcare professional in the past year (13%), while just 6% had smoking cessation care clearly documented in their casenotes. The 3-month quit-rate was 17%, with a 100% pass rate for those completing an objective CO validation test.

Conclusion: Despite a high current smoking prevalence among psychiatric inpatients, and similar motivation and quit rates to other populations, current cessation care rates are low. Smoking cessation care needs to be prioritised in psychiatric settings.


Health Research Board of Ireland (HRB) through the HRB Structured PhD in Population Health and Health Services Research (SPHeRE) programme (SPHeRE/2013/01).



The original article is available at

Published Citation

Burns A, Lucey JV, Strawbridge J, Clancy L, Doyle F. Prospective study of provided smoking cessation care in an inpatient psychiatric setting. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2018;115:24-31

Publication Date


PubMed ID



  • Health Psychology
  • Psychiatry
  • School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

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