Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

The 100 citation classics in the Irish medical literature; a bibliometric analysis

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-09-02, 06:30 authored by S M Clifford, Adeel M Akhtar, C E Redmond, Z Hutchinson, H Al-Sayyed, E Browne, G M Healy, E J Heffernan

Identifying citation classics is a valuable metric of research performance. Ireland has a distinguished history of medical research, although Ireland's top-cited articles are unknown. The SCOPUS database identified all medical and surgical articles published by journals in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. The 100 top-cited articles were analysed. The most cited article received 240 citations. There is an observed trend of increasing number of authors over time (p<0.05). General medicine and public health are the most common topics. The majority of works originate from Irish institutions. Collaborative research and non-Irish research are poorly represented among the citation classics. The Irish medical literature contains multiple highly cited and influential articles. 



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Published Citation

Clifford SM. et al. The 100 citation classics in the Irish medical literature; a bibliometric analysis. Ir Med J. 2020;113(7):125.

Publication Date

30 July 2020

PubMed ID



  • Undergraduate Research


Irish Medical Association


  • Published Version (Version of Record)