Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

The warm heart of Africa

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-08-01, 14:56 authored by Peter Staunton, Elizabeth Tatro, Owen Keane, Joanne Lennon, Niall Tierney, Emma Carmody, Elizabeth Keane, Sean Fitzgerald, Brendan O’Kelly

Behind the warm smiles and kind greetings of the Malawian people lies a country ravaged by poverty, HIV, malaria, and abysmal maternal and infant mortality rates. It has a population estimated at over 15 million, and with one of the highest birth rates in the world the population is expected to triple in size by 2050. The health system is based around 21 district hospitals and four central hospitals, which act as tertiary referral centres. Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH), a one-thousand-bed hospital, is the centre for the central region of the country and has a catchment population of over five million people. During our time in Malawi we were afforded the opportunity to join the specialty of our choice within the hospital and we have attempted to provide insight into each.



The original article is available at Part of the RCSIsmj collection 2012-3

Published Citation

Staunton P. et al. The warm heart of Africa. RCSIsmj. 2013;6(1):99-101

Publication Date



  • Undergraduate Research


RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences


  • Published Version (Version of Record)