Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Can bilateral labour agreements safeguard the rights, health and well-being of internationally educated nurses in Europe? Full report & recommendations

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posted on 2024-07-19, 12:37 authored by Kirsten Brubakk, Mary GodfreyMary Godfrey, Felicia Kwaku, Torbjørn Solberg, Yama Toure

This 2024 report examines the potential of Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs) to safeguard the rights, health and well-being of Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) in WHO Europe. Currently, there is a deficit of one million nurses in Europe and a reliance on IENs. The report provides a comprehensive account of the issues by drawing on literature review, an international survey of senior nurse leaders, and consultations with expert informants. The findings highlight the role of BLAs in safeguarding IENs and the importance of involving Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs) and National Nursing Associations (NNAs) at every stage of BLAs. A Tripartite Model of BLAs is developed including the Ministry of Health, CNO’s/equivalents and NNA’s. Recommendations for policy, practice, research and IENs are provided. The findings are transferable to other professional groups and WHO regions.


International Council of Nurses



The executive summary is available at

Published Citation

Brubakk K, Godfrey M, Kwaku F, Solberg T, Toure Y. Can bilateral labour agreements safeguard the rights, health and well-being of internationally educated nurses in Europe? Full report & recommendations. Global Nursing Leadership Institute (GNLI) Scholars Europe Group 2023; 2024.

Publication Date



Global Nursing Leadership Institute (GNLI) Scholars Europe Group 2023


  • Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery