Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Handbook for Clinical Supervisors: Nursing Post-Graduate Programmes

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posted on 2019-11-22, 16:10 authored by Steve Pitman

This handbook provides guidance on clinical supervision for nurse supervisors of postgraduate learners. It is designed as a resource for supervisors that can be applied and adapted for all post-graduate nursing programmes within the College. Post-graduate programmes in this context are designed to prepare nurses to meet the requirements for the role of clinical nurse specialist and advanced nurse practitioner. The handbook covers a range of key topics relevant to clinical supervision that include; defining clinical supervision, benefits of supervision, effective supervision, assessment educational needs, providing feedback and managing learners in difficulty. Many of the features of clinical supervision for post-graduate learners in nursing are directly transferrable and applicable to clinical supervision to use in everyday practice. Crucially, as nurses undertaking post-graduate programmes are already on the professional register, they are subject to An Bord Altranais ‘Code of Conduct’ (ABA, 2000) and Scope of Professional Practice (ABA, 2000). It should also be remembered that post-graduate learners often part-time students and often in full-time employment. Over the past decade there has been growing interest in clinical supervision within nursing in Ireland. While it still remains at a developmental stage there is increasing evidence that it is being integrated into continuous professional development. The NCNM (2008) provide a range for case studies of the introduction of clinical supervision for nursing in a range of practice settings (including mental health, palliative care, public health nursing) and role (Registered Nurses, Clinical Nurse specialist and clinical nurse managers).



These clinical supervision guidelines were produced as part of the RCSI MSc in Leadership in Health Professions Education, Module 3 assignment.

Published Citation

Pitman, S. Handbook for Clinical Supervisors: Nursing Post-Graduate Programmes. Dublin: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2011.

Publication Date



  • Graduate School of Healthcare Management

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