Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

HeSSOP Health and Social Services for Older People : Survey of service use, evaluation and preceived need by older people in two health board areas. INTERM REPORT II

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Version 2 2022-02-23, 15:38
Version 1 2019-11-22, 15:26
posted on 2022-02-23, 15:38 authored by Rebecca Garavan, Rachel Winder, Hannah Mc GeeHannah Mc Gee, Ciaran O'Boyle
HeSSOP is a collaboration across the National Council on Ageing and Older People and two health boards: the Eastern Regional Health Authority and the Western Health Board. Information on service use, service evaluation and perceptions of service need of a large community-dwelling group will be reported separately for each board in the first instance; this is to assist service planning for 2000. A combined report will allow further analysis of patterns of use etc., including comparisons across boards to identify common and locationspecific challenges to service delivery. While the project will cover only two of the country’s health boards as constituted at the time of the work, the particular boards involved represent the most urban and one of the most rural of the boards. Thus findings are expected to have value for other health boards. The wider issue of consultation strategies to involve older people will be addressed and will be included in the combined survey report.



Report completed on behalf of: The National Council on Ageing and Older People, in partnership with the Western Health Board (WHB) and the Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA)

Published Citation

Rebecca Garavan, Rachel Winder, Hannah McGee and Ciaran O’Boyle. HeSSOP Health and Social Services for Older People: Survey of service use, evaluation and perceived need by older people in two health board areas. Dublin: The National Council on Ageing and Older People; 2000.

Publication Date



  • Health Psychology
  • Medicine

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